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Felix Weissbach Klapp-Hutfabrik


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Maker of collapsible top hats. Also the worlds largest supplier special fabric for collapsible top hats. Located in Glauchau, Saxony, Germany.

Rudolf Felix Weissbach born in Glauchau on 30 Aug 1868, passed away on 27 Feb 1935 in Glauchau.
Parents: Franz Robert Weißbach and Clara Auguste Leonhardt
Wife: Ida Franziska Helene Grosse (3 children)

"In 1889, Felix Weissbach founded a Klapphut factory at Brüderstraße 17a and laid the foundation for a new German industry. The trained hatter had previously been on the road as far as France, as was the custom in the past. He had looked over the shoulders of various hatters at work and worked with them. It was there that Weissbach discovered the new type of folding hats.

From then on, he wanted to produce them in better quality in his own factory. The folding hats became an absolute hit. As early as 1896, Weissbach moved production (including silk weaving and sewing) to the newly built factory in Schönburgstrasse. His villa is also there.

Weissbach laid the foundation for a new German industry. His company with 550 employees developed into the largest Klapphut factory in Europe, probably even in the world. After World War I, 75% of all opera hats worldwide came from Glauchau. During World War II, the company, like many others, was forced into armaments production."

Found by and Translated by Matt on the FL. https://www.geocaching.com/geocache...sen?guid=35837820-6dba-406e-90da-19c1a77e4199

Deutsche Kürschner-Zeitung No. 25 - 08.12.1912




Felix Weissbach Villa at Schönburgstrasse 59.   There is a Bridal Shop and other rental units located in it now.  The building to the far right side of the photo is the other villa. This photo is from an in active rental apartment advert.



Here is a photo of the villa from the article quoted above.  The other villa can be seen at the far right side of the photo.


Robe de mariée is the bridal shop located in the villa.


Doesn't appear any of the main factory buildings are present.  The other villa and standalone building are still present (but heavily  modified).


DHZ April 11, 1925


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Felix Weissbach Klapp-Hutfabrik DeutschesReichPatent No. 233295 leather pocket calendar - diary from 1915. The patent is for fabric used for collapsible top hats also known as opera hats. It doesn't have any entries and the only wear is on the outside so probably storage related.

















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