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Fest Book for German Federation of Hat Shops, Munich June 23,24,25, 1930


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Fest Book for German Federation of Hat Shops, Munich June 23,24,25, 1930. This is from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg, Germany hat collection. The booklet includes some great advertisements from historic German and Austrian hat companies.


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For Association 1930

Of Counsel Dr. Sasse.


Our district Bavaria and the local group "Munich has invited the National Federation to Munich at its annual meeting. We have the" sincere desire to welcome from all parts of the empire colleagues.

The district leader Kol. Blindhammer, waiting with a thoughtful gift for the hard Reich joined on. Mr. Rührigkeit has managed to lead in these hard times the 'Association thoughts forward, he is the youngest child. the newly founded Chiemsee Ciaugruppe. imagine. We congratulate Mr Blindhammer and the district on this success, which means a success of the Reich Association and the organizing idea at all.


The 'energetic affirmation of the organization: - is thought to go a new strong impetus. Get the main session of the Reich Associations, German Hat Shops Association visit it.


The establishment of the new Gaugruppe in extremely difficult economic time, in a region, the more difficult association work as a result of marked characteristics of its development, is a refutation of the key word of the Association fatigue As in all areas.

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