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Johann Hückel´s Söhne - Hückel Hutfabrik Weilheim


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This is a Metric / French Point size chart from an old (early 1900s) J. Hückel´s Söhne hat box. Notice the 1/2 CM and 1/4 French Point sizing. Also 60cm = 6 1/4 French Point instead of 6 1/2.




Here are some actual examples (from the same time period) of JHS 1/4 Point Sizing.


Based on the above chart 5 3/4 Point would be 58 1/2cm.




Based on the above chart 4 1/4 Point would be 55 1/2cm.



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Rough Google Translation


Given the huge upswing, which the hat industry has over the last decades taken in the advanced stage states of Europe, it was necessary to be all the more eager to get to know Philadelphis the degree of development to which this branch of industry has achieved in the United States of America, as the hat in this country forms a major subject of non-use.


In fact, the American exhibition offered a lot of interesting and educational realms.


Been the biggest part of the hat industry of the United States used the raw material of the hair, as well as the further orders necessary in silk fabrics, tapes and leather from Europe.


The import duty is 20 per cent for hair, the leather 26 per cent in silk products 50 to 60 per cent from the values. The hair of the United States sparsely occurring hares and rabbits is the Europeanized see products of quality and usability after considerable. Beaver and nutria hair, however, is the American easier and cheaper accessible.


Next stop is brought in, the wages of labor in America, Europe considerably higher, so you will find it understandable that the United States will not tolerate the competition of European and protect against the latter by means of appropriate input tariffs. In fact, the tariff on finished fedoras is 15 per cent from the values. If we Hiezu still the major Emballage and freight charges, the fact appears that the Imptort fabrikat on something half-French and limited to a small quantity of wool hats English great-leap, explained adequately.

As is known, must hat, when to the overseas transport 'tolerated', packed in Cartons which was sealed in tin lined with weaving, are loaded.


As you Importers hair and clothing items enjoy the gentlemen HH Seliwietering in New York and H. Blot out in Philadelphia, both excellent representatives of European firms, in consequence of their diligent, real process, a special trust. The named gentlemen were also kind enough to help me to gather the required data into as previously-coming as a selfless manner.


The major hat extent that production went to the United States, are consurnirt of the same also for the most part. A small portion only goes to Mexico, something to Japan.


A careful inspection of the exhibited objects and the visit of several important factories and establishments entitles me to the saying that the American hat industry, especially in the short into account their holdings, as the requirements of the modern era is totally accordingly.


The hat comes the Americans prove more expensive than the Europeans, but it is practical and often characterized by gentleness, smoothness, as well as an elegant Facon.


The unfavorable factors with which the American manufacturing is struggling, they force the extensive use of more advantageous tools and auxiliary machinery. The practical ingenuity, there is an American owned, it is excellent in Construirung new and improving known occurring in the use of machines to equip.


Tools for flood-makers, in particular hat shapes, exponirten: Christian nuns Berger of Philadelphia, Pierson & Herman from Newark. The exhibited objects were worked with great care and precision. For forms the American poplar is predominantly used, the wood of the European poplar for durability exceeds beiweitem. Such a related company of the former "form is available in our 'factory in use for a long time and has not suffered either by steam or by heat somehow.


Moreover, since the forms are for the most part finished filming by machines, so they fall out very evenly.


In Machines for the hat manufacture factory of the company Elke Meyer & Osterheld in Yonkers, New York brought a very interesting collection of Anschaunng. We met as appropriate form of a machine, although known, standing in use in the European factories system, but in multi-improved form. The improvement comprising, that is a more uniform elongation of the felt obtained during the molding and makes it difficult thereof tearing. Furthermore, we found quite handy, especially for bare, dull hats suitable head and rim bims machines by the same company after Einein new patentirten systems. These differ from ours in that their rotation is twofold, by itself alternately right and left and jabbing occurs in consequence of which is papiers rapidly produced in stopping the relevant pumice a nice smooth surface.


At last tour and bending machines are known constructions, then mention for wool hats suitable machines for sewing leather.


The heads of the designated factory have brought to the most patents in the stationary use in America machines for hat-fabrication. All other impacting our specialized devices are produced in their factory.


The wide use of machines running in parallel, a broad division of labor has evolved and is a high skill of the worker in the designated times to lead him narrower than typical.


Seen from the technical side, giving way to the American way of working of the common with us, among other things in it from that one where the hat by gehends soft or hard in the semi-flexed state (stumps) stiffens with water-based paint (patent), then after your finished walking and shapes, all wood colors (black) well hues and thereupon finished pumice and dresseth the former makes the hat for the effects of weather less receptive, protects him better before tightening the humidity, than in our common flexible and semi-rigid rubber hats finish.


The latter aims to remove the surface embrittled by the color of the felt and create a new one with a milder, smoother attacks.


How large but also like the indicated advantages no, this method has its drawbacks.


Employees Experiments have shown that the felt very suffers through the cited paint treatment, is dull and brittle and the durability of our significantly inferior. One can therefore justifiably say that the benefits of the American form of production, are outweighed by their adherent disadvantages that our felts are solid and durable.


Maybe it will be the future. To unite when using less sharp colors would prefer the two methods and to bring a more perfect way to make wave.


The charge of the exhibition as a whole is taken to refer to as incomplete and fragmentary. It lacked many of the most prominent European companies. Particularly striking was the utter us staying away Germany are France. But even many of the more important things of the United States were unrepresented.


Representatives were:


the united states by 13 companies,

the English colonies 2

Brazil (colleetiv) 8

England 3

Austria 3

Russia (colleetiv) 6

Italy (colleetiv) 2

Spain (colleetiv) 3

Portugal (colleetiv) 4


Passing to the detailed description, we find above all in the very tastefully furnished exhibition of the United States, the following companies: John B. Stetson & Co., Philadelphia. A selected collection of fine hair into soft felt hats and stiff in very perfect execution, with an interesting collection of all types of hair used for hat manufacture.


Beaver hats, expensive but of excellent quality. This factory produces only fine hats and continues its wares mostly from the elegant retail shops Philadelphia and New York. While visiting the factory strictly solid working method, as well as the efficiency of the conductive forces on us made the best impression. The daily production is 50 to 60 dozen, the price of a dozen 30 to 60 dollars. E. Morris & Co. in Philadelphia: silk hats for the most part, very light and solid work, in tasteful forms; also rich lustrous, sprung Bibercylinder also felt hats in beautiful blends. A new feature this factory produced very easily worked Galette, whose head was made of a loose, broken willow fencing (English origin). The carved thereon Chemises hats fall out very easily. JH Fenton & Brother in Philadelphia: Most silk hats, and also soft, smooth felt hats, then uniform hats in solid design. WH Oakford in Philadelphia: This posed as representatives of two New York companies a choice of felt and silk hats, including Gibus (claque) hats in all pure quality. Blaylock & Co. in Philadelphia: A Collection of felt and silk hats, then beautiful, polished kids hats, all in tasteful Facon. M. L. Moore in Philadelphia: Beautiful silk hats. B.L. Carnay in Philadelphia: silk hats, felt hats dark. Yates, Warton & Co. in Newark and New York: This is one of the largest establishments in the United States with very perfect device. There Wholesalers stent salvation produces soft hats in medium fine quality, calculated on the hate-demand. The soft felt hats in all FarbeWansgestellten testified. of curious Ausfähiung, ne also dressed ladies hats. The ability Productions is per day 100 to 120 dozen, the price per dozen according to 50 dollars. Dunlap & Co., also Amidon in New York presented together with their representatives 0akford in Philadelphia a selection of felt and silk hats right down in a very tasteful way out. A. Solmans in South Norwalk (Connecticut): Various felt hats, beautiful light cylinder, glamorous sprung stumps. Jos. Schiller & Co. in St. Louis (Missouri); This company exponirte in an elegant, practically GUIDED box whose walls out


Jos. Schiller & Co. in St. Louis (Missouri); This company exponirte in an elegant, practically GUIDED box whose walls were made through glass, thus permitted the incidence of light from all sides, silk godfather of particular ease, Facon beautiful and perfect execution. Worth highlighting is also a beautiful, spring-loaded beaver cylinder, the fashion of 1776 repräsentirend. In addition Some were flooding in plain to see. Haverhill Company Factory in Eaverhill (Mass.): This company brought bright and dark woolen hats for the exhibition.


From the English colonies had appeared J. Coristine in Montreal (Canada): The exhibition consisted of cheap, mostly soft woolen hats in lower quality in prices 8-18 dollars per dozen. Bidencope in Hobart Town (Tasmania): This brought hats hair and wool, silk hats, far away. a. Compilation of semi-finished in various stages of fabrication.


From South America was only Brazil, but this very well represented at. On the following Collection see companies had taken part: Chastel & Co. in Rio de Janeiro, Alvaro, Armada in Rio de Janeiro, H. Boxel & Case in Curytiba, Bierrenbach & Irmaro in Campinas, bees Bach & Brother in St. Paulo, remote Andean Braga St. Paulo, F. Fischer St. Paulo, Flora Regniaco in Bahia. The exhibition consisted of various silks and felt hats, and begot individual articles of achtungswerthem struts.


England. The hat exhibition of England stringed look at worthy of America. The content of the consistently beautiful display cases was worthy of external equipment and custom-exposure to the English as a sophisticated call. Represented were Tress & Co. in London, Lincoln Beneth & Co. in London and Osmond Dash in Brighton. We found beautifully crafted silk and felt hats in all imaginable ways, also dressed-women's hats and an assortment of England pressed wool felt hats much foreirten in multiple variations.


Austria. Although the Affairs of the Austrian Indutriellen hat at the tournaments inPhiladelphia, none was particularly brisk, so must be given even by the opponent, thatour production in all sectors appeared worthy repraesentirt. The exhibits earned fullrecognition among professionals such as at the publicum. Have exhibited: Peter& C. Habig in Vienna. This was very solid crafted things in silk and felt hats. Therecognition, the tasteful Facon and elegant equipment also found in America whichthis House view has long been pleased in Austria and Germany. J. Hückel sons inNeutitschein: this House was represented in all kinds of felt hats and harvested theirmild coatings (chemises) as well as the fine velour also professional recognition. Itshould be Erwähnenswerth that the owner of this company, whose production is 100dozen per day have adopted the mechanical help manufacturing in 1865 in Austria-Hungary. Samson & son Vienna: The silk issued by this company and Fedorasdeserve praise. Especially erwähnenswerd their well equipped livery, then their tastefulLoden hunting and their woollen travel hats.


Russia. the Collectiv exhibition which offered an interesting picture of the common inthis vast rich, various forms of headgear, we found a company based in Moscow, twofrom Warsaw actions: three from Riga.


Italy. The exponirten in a box products of companies: Cesare la Farino in Palermo andGabriele Rumieri in Naples were insufficient, how beneficial they are alsorepräsentirten, ran to a real image of the progress of the Italian hat industry.


The exhibition of Spain and Portugal was quite diverse, offers but no need for a morethorough discussion.

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J. Hückel´s Söhne Extra "Loutre / European Otter", Point size 4 1/2, probably late 1800s maybe at bit later. This museum piece belongs to Garrett. The oldest JHS I have encountered outside of the Novy Jicin museum collection.


Propped upon a Dobbs box for profile:














The sweatband is still supple and can take being bent its entire circumference without popping stitches or cracking. This reveals one tag at the exact rear of the sweat:







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J. Hückel´s Söhne "Durit", Point 4 1/2, probably 1930s. Also came with a case. This beauty belongs to OCMH on the FL.



"Very pleased with this one. Great condition, and an added bonus in that I thought this was going to be identical to another Huckel I used to own thats now in Garretts wonderful collection.


This has a shorter finish and a raw edge brim. Absolutely stunning hat, the leather hatbox it came with is in great condition as well with both original keys."









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J. Hückel´s Söhne, Seiden Zylinder, size 58cm, very good condition, probably 1930s. It came from a Czech Republic source. It was sold by K. Landa Brno, Czechoslovakia but the box it came with is from hat factory - warehouse Adolf Lochman Mnichovo Hradiště (Münchengrätz), Czechoslovakia. It's a really nice silk Top Hat with a ribbon / bow that you would see on a soft felt hat which makes sense since JHS was primarily known as a soft and stiff felt hat manufacturer.





















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Johann Hückel´s Söhne, Hat Liner Print Plates, probably 1930s and older.


I purchased a collection of old (probably 1930s and older) hat liner print plates (82 pieces) from the Czech Republic. They were found near Štramberk which is a short distance from Nový Jičín (Neutitschein) where Johann Hückel´s Söhne, Anton Peschel and Brüder Böhm were located.


This is the JHS print shop from the early 1900s. They are printing hat liner logos using similar plates (center of table).




















The logo background is from the above print plate (same dimensions, color residue).




Hückel "Superior" Homburg



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J. Hückel´s Söhne, Seiden Zylinder with original case probably 1930s. This one came from a source in the Czech Republic. I really like that JHS used a silk ribbon / bow vs a cloth band which is more typical. Also that the original case survived is special since it's paper based.











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I discovered the F.J. in the above crest is Franz Josef I Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary, Croatia and Bohemia. This is one of the liner plates from my Czech Republic find.




I made this discovery from the above photo that shows the F.J. medal below the F.J. Progress Medal won by Johann Hückel´s Söhne (JHS) at the 1873 Vienna World Expo. Also the same F.J. crest in the center of the Double Eagle. I am fairly certain that the above liner stamp is for JHS.





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Hückel Weilheim - Kolhndofer, size 57cm, probably mid 1950s. It appears to be a mix of two hat companies, Hückel Weilheim (sweatband) and Kohlndorfer (liner). I know that Hückel Weilheim also repaired hats when they first started (they were in a small garage) so it could be from that time period although everything looks original. I am just starting to look into Kohlndorfer Hutfabrik Miesbach, Germany. This is a fantastic hat and a gift from ErWeSa(Wolfgang) which I met up with in Salzburg on my January 2016 trip to Germany, Austria and Italy. Thanks!















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J.Hückel´s Söhne / Jaques Mayer "Standard", size 58cm, Brim 3 1/2 inches, Crown 6 inches, excellent condition, probably 1930s. This is a collaboration with Jaques / Jacques Mayer Hutfabrik (Hat Factory) Bratislava. I couldn't find anything on Jaques / Jacques Mayer but I will keep looking. This hat is really fantastic and has a very unique look with a very wide curled brim with binding. The felt (not a Velour) is somewhat similar to my 1929 Max Eckard Berlin Echter Borsalinos.




















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J. Hückel´s Söhne Standard "Loden", Point 6, Crown 6 inches Open, Brim 2 1/2 inches, NOS condition, possibly late 1920s. This one is from my latest Czech find and everything about it is fantastic (in my opinion :) )!


















Open Crown





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Villa Hans Hückel. Neutitschein. Post Card from 1909. Correspondence in Czech.






What it looked like when I visited Novy Jicin, Czech Republic (prior WWI Neutitschein, Austria) in April 2011. An edition was added and other modifications since 1909. There are three Villas in total.





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