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Vinzenz Nohel Hair Hat and Stump Factory Amstetten / J. Heinr. Ita Hat Factory Vienna


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Vinzenz Nohel Hair Hat and Stump Factory Amstetten / J. Heinr. Ita Hat Factory Vienna



Building of the Hair Hat and Stump Factory Amstetten Vinzenz Nohel, group of Hat factory J. Heinrich Ita Vienna, 1935.


Built by the Englishman Thomas Gramlick Junior and continued in 1919 by Heinrich Ita. After the Second World War, Mr. Ita achieved an economic boom with his hat factory. Photos 12 and 13 show the Hair Hat and Stump Factory. Mr. Ita was able to purchase the adjacent plots of land on which the pompous inn "Zum Goldenen Lamm" and the "Krautlager" were located from Mr Hans Steer, a well-known Amstetten merchant.

In 1930 the company employed around 900 factory workers, mostly Amstetten residents. By introducing the
Customs duties soon made it impossible for the company to export the goods to England. The "Vinzenz Nohel Ita hair hat and
Stump factory” had to be closed. The building land was sold on the one hand to the German clothing company "Bücking" and on the other hand to the municipality of Amstetten. The 34 meter high factory chimney could be viewed until 1972, when it and the surrounding administration and factory buildings were demolished.





From: Diplom-Ingenieurs, unter der Leitung von, Ao. Univ. Prof. Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Bob Martens, E253 - Institut für Architektur und Entwerfen, Eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung von, Nina Haider, B.Sc., Matrikelnummer: 01329030, Wien, Mai 2021

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Vinzenz Nohel "Osiris", 56 cm, possibly late 1940s early 1950s.  This is a great short clipped Velour that easily dry creases.  The Paper Label format and design is very similar to early J. Heinr. Ita Wien paper labels so this hat could be older.  The sweatband doesn't have any markings so possible it was added later but I can't find any evidence (everything appears original). 







Open Crown




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  • habigman changed the title to Vinzenz Nohel Hair Hat and Stump Factory Amstetten / J. Heinr. Ita Hat Factory Vienna

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