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O.F. Hess, Karl Misik Karolinenthal / Karlin, Hussinetz / Husinec Bohemia


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Factory for felt hats stood in Karlin between 1905 and 1927 (from that time and the house), Mr Karel Misík whose uncle, Andrew Felix Hess, the founder of the company. OF Hess has already built a factory in Husinec (today known locally as Šumavan), he has transferred to his nephew Karl Misík (grandfather of the current owner lady. He Husinecká factory improved and earned about to build a new factory in Karlín.

Factory (according to contemporary documents) consisted of three parallel rows of buildings on the south end connected into one unit. Towards the Pernerova Street factory was completed two symmetrical houses, of which he was no longer worth the eastern and today in those places entrance to the campus.

During totality warehouses were bus. Unsuitable rebuilding of the time the best survived boiler room which remained essentially preserved in its original form.

The chimney is one of the best preserved in Karlin, a low circular base, the mosaic inscription on the stem and "OF HESS". The crown is fixed. The chimney was still functioning until recently.










Felt hats factory built Ondrej Felix Hess. After him, the factory took his nephew Karel Misík, who have become great, diversified production and thus built still factory in Karlín . Both then function as "United hat factory, K. Misík".

The Husinecka chronicle the war was appointed as the company Otavan. After winning fallow land was confiscated and incorporated under NC Tonak in Novy Jicin, which of course was for the local company happy, because even though the plant fulfills the plan was an effort management especially Toanku dispose of it from a purely competitive reasons. Eventually, in 1951, production was discontinued hats. The factory building was located manufacturing of clothing. 1.7 1952 After long negotiations on the initiative of employees in a factory established OTAVAN repair hats. This repair work for many local businesses have been modernly furnished (equipped with machines of the liquidated factories hats in Bohemia).

Husinecká plant was incorporated under a new national enterprise for making hats Otavan based in Katowice.




O.F. Hess in the Kelly's Directory Of Merchants, Manufacturers And Shippers, 1915, Austrian Hat Manufacturers.





Gendarmerie helmet 1942



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O.F. Hess - K. Masik Vereinigte Haar- und Woll - Hutfabriken (United Fur and Wool Hat Factories) Husinec Böhmerwald (November 17, 1942)




This is envelop is from the same time period as the O.F. Hess and K. Misik hats from my July 2015 Czech find.

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