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VEB Luckenwalder Hutf abrik(DDR)


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From RLK on the FL. Very rare DDR find!


The Bunny Velour is soft and a little floppy but the hat construction is a bit unrefined. Somewhere between 1948-1990. Made in East Germany in a town south of Berlin that once had 12 hat factories. 4-1/4" crown and 2-3/8" brim. This hat has an unreeded sweat with a taped seam, pleated liner and frayed edge bow but I would guess it is from the 1960's.









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VEB Luckenwalder Velour


This beauty belongs to Manfred (Fritz).


"The VEB Luckenwalder Velour arrived today. Wonderful felt finish in a outstanding condition. I think rarely worn.

Size is a 56 and fits perfect. The age between 1953 - 1961. I found out, that HO Stalinallee, was foundet at 1953 and renamed 1961 in Karl-Marx-Allee

Late in 1953 it was time, and the first tenants moved into the Stalin Allee, which is since 1961 Karl-Marx-Allee. Two and a half kilometers long and 80 meters wide, a socialist highway with monumental proportions. The apartments have hardwood floors, a loggia, garbage disposals and intercom. Luxury for deserving SED comrades and for the lucky winners of the lottery structure. Faded was the dispute over the standard increase, the 17th and the uprising of the June had led 1953rd The riots were the first indication that the young East German workers had with the feudal palaces adopted economically hopeless. But now the new road was celebrated, with new homes and new outlets to State Trading Organization HO. Then told a colleague from Berlin Radio."




Berlin Stalinallee



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"From the last chapter of Guben hat industry", exhibition catalog, published by the Museum Sprucker mill Guben 2000 exhibition at LVR Industrial Museum venue Ratingen from 15/06/2014 to 28/06/2015 Germany radio on the exhibition "150 years Hutgeschichte.Chapeau" in industrial museum Schauplatz- Ratingen


In 1925 existed in Guben 11 hat factories, 7 Hutformenfabriken, a Hutstoffwerk and two machine factories Hutmaschinen built. Guben had become the stronghold of the German hat industry and a center of Hutbranche in Europe. Roughly estimated survived including all family members more than 20,000 people in Guben of the hat industry. I discovered the last remaining hat factory in the gas street in Guben by chance in 1992, during the change from the train to a bus. She had been, founded in 1822 as the first hat manufacture in Guben by Carl Gottlieb Wilke in a backyard workshop. 1864 the company moved to the new factory in the gas street. The decline of Guben hat industry began in 3.Reich with the expropriation of some factories, the Jewish factory had heard. In the 2nd World War, production was switched to important war products, some factories closed completely. At the end of the war Guben was heavily damaged by fighting front. After the war, the left factories have been converted into five state-owned enterprises. Together they formed the "VEB United Hutwerke Guben" with a total of 1200 employees, their number dropped to 1990 600th When I came to Guben 1992 still about 70 Hutmacher worked last Hutwerk. I was at this time in the photographic training at the Lette-Verein in Berlin and made ​​a small report about the hat factory. Over the next few years these images illustrated various newspaper articles that dealt with the economic difficulties of the hat factory. I was assigned the job situation in the hat factory to document exactly as there were plans to continue production in a new, smaller manufacturing facility 1999th The huge hat factory, originally designed for 500 workers was simply too expensive to maintain. She had in the previous year have been bankruptcy. When I started in April 1999 to photograph there, there were only 10 Hutmacher, who worked in production. I went regularly to Guben and photographed gradually on all workstations, of which time there was more than Hatter. In December of the same year, the then director took me aside and announced that it would no longer with the move and they probably would close at the end the factory. The staff had not been informed at this stage about. I sat on the same day a little uneasily with two hatters in their break room in front of a Christmas wreath and drank coffee with them. A year later, the first was the exhibition of images mill place in Guben Heimatmuseum Sprucker. Many of the unemployed now Hatter had appeared to do so. The oldest Milliner had just from Australia to visit. She fled as a young woman from the Nazis there. As I had kept in contact with some hatters and me now also interested in the Polish part of the separated from the Neisse Guben / Gubin, I worked the following year in my series Guben / Gubin .



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  • habigman changed the title to VEB Luckenwalder Hutf abrik(DDR)

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