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John Valtz  & C. Andorno Micca  "Extra"

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John Valtz  & C. Andorno Micca  "Extra", measures 58cm, missing Paper Label.  This came from a seller in Berlin and I am not sure on the dating.  The liner is stitched in place but I am fairly certain there were later modifications (ribbon / bow and over welt).  Regardless it has a really great look and the felt is really fantastic.  John Valtz & C. Andorno Micca  is connected with Gosso Valtz and Co.  so hopefully Daniele will comment (see link).  








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1963 Bottin Europe - Page 6, John Valtz & C. S.p.A. , v . Corte Pietro 18 , Andorno Micca ( Vercelli )

1966 Bottin International - Page 548, Andorno ( Vercelli ) . Valtz John & C. s.a. , 18 v . P. Corte


I couldn't find a via Corte Pietro 18 but in general  via Corte Pietro looks similar to Stefan's photo of John Valtz.  

I found this from  "Annuario delle Camere di Commercio italiane all'estero commercio estero e turismo
1943"  that lists John Valtz & C.S.A. as an exporter of rabbit fur felt hats and rabbit fur felt which makes sense based on the address. 



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