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Johann Hückel´s Söhne - Hückel Hutfabrik Weilheim


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Villa Hückel, post card, 1903.




What it looked like when I visited Novy Jicin, Czech Republic (prior WWI Neutitschein, Austria) in April 2011. This was the original Villa and unfortunately not in good condition. It was very beautiful until the Commies took over. There is one other Villa but I don't have a post card of it.





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Hückel Wien, measures 55cm. Hückel brand name but with Carl Kellner Hamburg sweatband. I have only seen the Hückel Wien designation used with WWI era hats. It has characteristics of an older hat but I think it's post WWII. The felt is really fantastic and it appears to have a silk liner which is also like no other Hückel I have encountered (pre WWII JHS, Hückel Tonak, Hückel Weilheim). I am thinking Weilheim probably early 1950s with special components for Carl Kellner Hamburg.


Update (11/29/16)! I found the following which might be the source of this hat.


"Der Neffe von Fritz Hückel, Hugo Augustin Hückel (1899–1947), der Sponsor des deutschen Raketenkonstrukteurs Johannes Winkler war, versuchte 1946 in Wien, zusammen mit der Hutfabrik A. Sindermann und P. & C. Habig als Hückel & Co. firmierend, eine Hutproduktion wieder in Gang zu setzen. The nephew of Fritz Hückel, Hugo Augustin Hückel (1899-1947) who was a sponsor of the German rocket technical designer Johannes Winkler tried in 1946 in Vienna, together with the hat factory A. Sindermann and P. and C. Habig as a Hückel und Co. firmierend to get going a hat production again."













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I found some interesting information. Turns out that the Hückel family married into the Habig family and vice versa.


Marriage of Karl Habig (son of Karl Habig) to Berta Hückel (daughter of Johann Hückel) in 1902.




This 1917 death notice for Johann Hückel has their names listed. There is also Frieda Hückel Habig wife of Karl Habig and mother of Karl Habig II.



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  • 5 weeks later...
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J.Hückel´s Söhne "Flexible", 58cm, Crown Open 5 1/2 inches, Brim with Curl 2 1/4 inches, probably 1930s maybe late 1920s. The felt is very light weight and very pliable felt (easily dry crease). The dressing (off-white wide sweatband, gilded liner logo, liner piping, and barbed hat cord ) of the hat is really fantastic.


















Open Crown



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  • 3 weeks later...

J. Hückel ´s Söhne "Flexible Seal Velour", French Point 7 / 60cm, Crown Open 6 inches, Brim 2 1/4 inches, probably later 1930s. I haven't come across a "Flexible Seal Velour" before and this one is really fantastic. As usual the JHS Velour is amazing / unmatched (color, density, pliability, finish).


















Open Crown





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hückel (Weilheim) "Chamois", 57cm, probably mid to late 1950s.  Fantastic felt color / finish and easily dry creases.  Great form and as usual very fine dressing work.  The feather came with the hat and nicely matches with the color of the felt.
















Natural Light







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J. Hückel´s Söhne Wien "Eureka - Plume", French Point 5 1/4, 117 grams, possibly late 1890s early 1900s. I have never come across a "Eureka" before. The form of this Stiff Felt is really great. The black liner and gold embossing is especially striking. Same with the stylized "Eureka" on the sweatband. Also notice the 1/4 French French Point Size so 5 1/4 would equal 57.5 cm. French Point Sizing was in 1/4 intervals up to WWII. I have only come across Stiff Felts in French 1/4 sizes. A Hat Satchel was included but not original to the hat (Kötzschenbroda is nearby Dresden).





















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  • 5 weeks later...

J. Hückel ´s Söhne "Flexible" "Seal Velour", measures 58cm, Crown Open 5 1/2 inches, Brim 2 1/4 inches, probably later 1930s. The Velour on this one is fantastic (molds like clay) and in perfect condition. The color is a Dark Chocolate Brown that absorbs all light so very difficult to photograph. This hat had a Crease Clip because you can see the deep crease is still present in the Crown. Also a very interesting liner that coordinates with the felt color. I couldn't locate a paper label but might be farther up into the crown. What is interesting is that I have J. Hückel ´s Söhne Promo Pocket Mirror from Huthase (from the same time period) with a similar style hat (Color, Form). I am very much looking forward to wearing this hat when cooler temperatures arrive.





















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J. Hückel´s Söhne "Alpha - Seal Velour", French Point 4 probably mid 1930s. The black Velour felt (very difficult to photograph, absorbs light) is really fantastic (perfect condition) with a beautiful Alpha quality Seal Velour finish. This hat came from the same seller as the J.Hückel´s Söhne "Paltin" and most likely belonged to the same original owner. It also came with an original Hückel box.






The following photographed really shows the quality of the Alpha quality Seal Velour (close sheared with high gloss).

















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Friedrich Paul (Fritz) Hückel

* 22.6.1885 (Nový Jičín)

† 12.1.1973 (Munich)






Austro, Austro-Cyclecar (1913 - 1914)


Production info

(1913 - 1914); Fritz Hückel; Neutitschein; Austria (after WWI Novy Jicin, Czechoslovakia)




Automobile plant of Fritz Hückel in Schönau (Novy Jicin) (1921-1936) for the production of the vehicle model GNOM













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Afred Neubauer the first Mercedes Race Team Manager (he invented the position and also worked with Ferdinand Porsche) was from Neutitschein / Novy Jicin and a big (large collection) hat fan (friends with Fritz Hückel). His trademark was throwing his hat (probably a Hückel) in front of the winning Mercedes (see more details below).








Afred Neubauer (above in hat and his connection with Hückel below)

"The second factor that affected the young Alfred was also related to his fathers work. Karl did some work for a very wealthy Neutitschein family by the name of Hückel. At the end of the 19th century the Neutitscheiner Hückel hat factory was the biggest in Europe and was known worldwide. The company had a fleet of vehicles and the Hückel family garage had two steam cars and a prestigious Benz.

When Alfred accompanied his father to perform some carpentry work at the Hückel family home he met Fritz Hückel (22-6-1885/12-1-1973). Fritz was 6 years older than Alfred but they would became close, and life-long, friends. Once introduced to the chauffeurs the young Neubauer was soon learning more of the mysteries of early automobiles, it is said Alfred had an innate mechanical ability.

Later in life Fritz Hückel became a racing driver and passionate supporter of the sport. Alfred Neubauer was a great lover of Hückel head wear but also acquired a habit of celebrating victories by throwing his hat under the wheels of his winning machine. Luckily this friendship with Fritz Hückel meant the race director never had to worry about a supply of hats!

It might have been fate that the car that rolled through Neutitschein in 1898 was a Benz, life already marking out the path the young Alfred was intended to take. But Neubauer did everything he could to further the cause. He was totally engrossed in all things cars, nothing else interested him, including schooling! He enthusiastically collected everything he could find about cars. When he was a ten year old Alfred Neubauer bombarded the few European car factories with requests for catalogues, brochures and information. Alfred Neubauer had already decided that cars would be his life, it is said that his father and other local carpenters built Alfred, and the local children, small wooden cars which they raced against each other. The seeds of the Neubauer/Mercedes-Benz legend were already sown."


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August Hückel House, Wien (Vienna) I., Concordiaplatz 3., Architects Clauss & Gross of Vienna (1886)


(Click on Photo to Expand)




This print arrived a while ago but I just got around to getting it scanned because it's too big (12 X 8 inches) for my home scanner. August Hückel was one of the original owners of J. Hückel ´s Söhne Neutitschein, Austria (after WWI Nový Jičín, Czechoslovakia). He had this house (building) built in Vienna in 1881.







Translation of the above article.


"The Goods and Residential House


of Mr. August Hückel


Corner of Heinrichsgasse, Concordiaplatz and Salzgries in Vienna.


By the architects' Claus and Gross


in clubs with the k. k. Senior engineer August Hückel


(For this purpose telephone number 63-66)

By the demolition of the former so-called salt-grief barracks. Building plots were created in Vienna, which are particularly suitable for the installation of residential and Waarenhäusern due to their location in a distinct business district.


Mr. August Hückel, manufacturer in Neutitschein, acquired the corner seat to the west of this newly created group against the Heinrichsgasse and the Concordiaplatz, which, incidentally, was so unfavorably parceled out that it had been unusually difficult to devalue a reasonably good I'lan for to create this construction site.


The client initiated a competition among some architects. The fact that all the plans had to show chic, irregular rooms as a result of the parcel figure was self-evident. We undertook primarily to redesign the parcelling, which considerably improved the basic form and created a more dignified, better situation with regard to the Concordiaplatz. This idea was submitted to the municipal council of the city of Vienna and finally found its approval after many efforts. The applause of the builder, however, she had won in the "mass. that it was mainly due to these circumstances that our plan was recognized as the best among the competitors, and that the construction was transferred to us.


The house, whose purpose is that of a residential and at the same time warehouses, contains a basement, ground floor, Untertheilung and four floors. The basement, the ground floor, the Untertheilung and the first floor are for business purposes, the three upper floors are used as living quarters. The business and warehouse rooms are interconnected by stairs and elevators, and are accessed both directly from the street through the sales vaults and from the two main entrances in the house.


On the ground floor is also the caretaker's apartment. From the two main entrances, one of which is accessible from the entrance to Heinrichsgasse and the other from the entrance to the salt marshes, one enters the apartments and, as has already been mentioned, also the business premises.


A part of the large court, which is delimited by iron-bound wooden walls and covered with a glass roof, serves as a commodity magazine.


A special value was on the way through. solid construction laid. For example, the basement, the parterre, the sub-division and the first floor are vaulted on traverses; the remaining ceiling constructions are made of wood.


All walls were covered with a layer of asphalt under the basement, and the outer walls of the lanes were covered with asphalt from the Isolirschichte to below the pavement.


The basement rooms were given a 6-inch concrete underlay and an asphalt pavement connected to the Isolirschichte.


The execution of the masonry took over Mr. Baumeister Alois Schumacher, who had to overcome very difficult foundations. In fact, groundwater had been found during the excavation of the foundation, which could only be pumped out with the help of locomotives in the longer term. It then had to be buried under all the foundation walls at a height of three feet, before it was possible to proceed with complete certainty to the construction of the masonry.


Despite this unwelcome delay, the construction, which began in April 1881, was passed on to its purpose in May 1882.


Among the executing forces are particularly to call: the companies A. Wasserburger, k. k. Hof-Steinmetz-master, and the First Austrian Door, Window and Floor Factory Company.


In addition to carpentry work, the latter also provided all the foot and parquet floors. The locksmith work, as well as the iron trusses was supplied by master locksmith Ludwig WiIheIm. The sculptural work was done by Mr. Johann Hutterer.


The paintings, especially of the vestibule, are very tastefully executed by the successors of Mr. Georg Gläser."


This is what the house (actually a building) looks like today.






Augustin Hückel

* 17.6.1838 (Nový Jičín)

† 5.8.1917 (Nový Jičín)


businessman - hatter

nationality Austria, Austria and Hungary

an honorary citizen of the city 14.1.1910

August Hückel was a prominent industrialist, municipal politician, architect, and traveler.


In 1910 he was appointed honorary citizen of the town of Nový Jičín.


Son of Johann Albert Hückel. After taking over the hat factory, he and his brothers continued to develop their father's work. Their business soon became the leader of the entire industry in the Hapsburg monarchy. He became a patron of art, and in his life he gathered a large number of art collections. Part of it was dedicated to the Municipal Museum in Nový Jičín.


His wife became Angela, born Hosch (8. 6. 1848 Grybow - 6. 8. 1914 Karlovy Vary), daughter of Ferdinand Hosch. Their children were: Stefanie (18. 10. 1869 Nový Jičín -?), Hugo Johann Ferdinand (24. 5. 1871 Nový Jičín -?), Augustin Reiner František (30. 6. 1882 - 16. 5. 1934 Nový Jičín) and Friedrich Paul (22. 6. 1885 Nový Jičín - 12 January 1973 Munich).


August Hückel (* 1838 - † 1917) was a senior engineer and was involved in the construction of another magnificent building in Vienna. On the corner of the Salzgries and Heinrichsgasse streets in the historic center of Vienna, the construction of a five-story corner house started by architects Heinrich Claus (1835 - † 1892) and Josef Gross (* 1828 - † 1891) in August 1881 in cooperation with Auguste Hückel . In May 1882, the construction company of Anton Wasserburger completed a monumental building in a neo-historical style designed to serve as a business and residential house by Augusta Hückel. His architecture, in some details, recalls the construction of Hückel's villas, and it is quite possible that August Hückel had a share in designing them. The Vienna House became the home of several business firms such as M. Popper & Co., Kann & Weiss and others. The investment of funds has certainly paid off. However, the construction lost much significance after the First World War, when Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed. New frontiers broke and disrupted economic and communication ties with the center of gravity of Central European trade. However, the house of August Hückel still stands in Vienna and Schweizer Pension is here.





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J. Hückel ´s Söhne "Standard" "Crystall Velour", French Point Size 5 1/2, Brim 2 1/4 inches, Crown Open 6 inches probably 1930s. The overall condition of the hat is near mint condition. The "Crystall Velour" condition, color (light shade of green), finish and hand are fantastic. This is definitely one of my best finds in a while.







An example of an early JHS Hat Hanging Cord. Also a unique sweatband. The leather color, finish and hand are fantastic.



Open Crown



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Johann Hückel´s Söhne Standard "Crystall Velour", measures 57cm, Crown Open 5 1/2 inches, Brim 2 inches probably later 1930s.  The light green Velour is very high quality and easily dry creases.   The paper label is missing. The color will photograph better under natural light. 
















Open Crown





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Carl Singewald, Gera


1675 leer.gif Hats from Gera leer.gifletter-d.jpgThe hatmaking business "Singewald" opened its shop for the first time in Gera. The hat fashion was to change over the centuries, but the Gera tradition store was still after the turmoil of World War II and there he was on the Sorge in the house number 44 to find.






Adress- und Geschäfts-Handbuch sowie Wohnungs-anzeiger der Haupt- und Residenzstadt Gera mit Untermhaus und Cuba, Volume 16, Carl Bethmann



Carl Singewald, Gera. The merchant Eberhard Singewald in Gera was eliminated by death. The company is dissolved. The merchant Günther Singewald in Gera is now the sole owner. 4-6791 05.


Regierungsblatt für das Land Thüringen,Landesverlag Thüringen., 1947 - Thuringia (Germany)

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Hückel Weilheim Hat Holders made by Zeitler - Karton, Murnau / Oberbayern possibly early to later 1950s. The Hückel plates on the fronts are made of a tin like metal and possibly hand painted (I will check with Zeitler). The company moved to Murnau in 1949 and are still in business today.






Hückel Weilheim "Chevreau"









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Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2 vs Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1 (Flash)


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Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 2 (Flash)






Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 (Flash)






Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 (Flash)






Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 2 (Flash)





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Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 2 (Flash)



Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1,2 Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1,2 Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1,2 (Flash)


Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2 (Sun Light)

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Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 vs. Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2 (Sun Light)


Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chamois 1 (Sun Light)


Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 1 vs Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 2 (Sun Light)


It's really hard to see any difference between the Chamois and Chevreau finishes. I would say the Chamois finish has slightly more fuzz (especially Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2). The felts of both finishes are very dense with slight gloss so possibly made of Wild Hare. The felts are not super pliable but the felts are of very high quality with a very soft hand.

Hückel Weilheim Chamois 2, 1 Hückel Weilheim Chevreau 2, 1, 3 (Flash)


I have three Hückel Weilheim Chevreau and two Hückel Weilheim Chamois in different shades of gray. They are all from the late 1950s very early 1960s. I also have a Hückel Weilheim Chevreau in a fantastic shade of green.

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The following is a translated footnote from "Chapeau, Das Westalgäu behütet die Welt, Die Geschichte der Hutprodukrion in Lindenberg und Umgebung, 2015" (This is a great book that I purchased at the Deutsches Hut Museum Lindenberg). Interesting tidbit at the end regarding Ottmar Reich and the "Hückel" trademark for Germany.


"The "J. Hückel's Sons k. u. k. Hof-Hutfabrikanten in Neutitschein - Vienna ", founded in 1799, produced around 5,000 felt hats daily with around 2,000 employees in 1913. After the First World War, the old cloth and hatmaker town of Neutitschein (municipal law since 1313) became part of Czechoslovakia, today this is the city of Nova Jicin the Czech Republic, where exports to Germany, England and the USA accounted for up to 70 percent of the production, while at the end of the 1930s the company was at three locations (Neutitschein, Ratibor and Skoczow, Poland) with 3,000 employees and was one of the most important hat factories in Europe. After the Second World War, all three works were expropriated.The great-grandsons of Johann Hückel, Fritz and Peter Hückel, 1946 moved to Weilheim / Obb (Bavaria, West Germany) , here was the company with the Hückel naming rights for Germany until 1975. Back then it was discussed in the company Ottmar Reich, whether the name rights "Hückel" should take over the production of an exclusive men's hat series, but that did not happen (message contemporary witness Hugo Kirchmann, 2014)."


"Chapeau, Das Westalgäu behütet die Welt, Die Geschichte der Hutprodukrion in Lindenberg und Umgebung, 2015"

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The following is a translated from "Chapeau, Das Westalgäu behütet die Welt, Die Geschichte der Hutprodukrion in Lindenberg und Umgebung, 2015" (This is a great book that I purchased at the Deutsches Hut Museum Lindenberg).

The following section discusses Post WWII Felt Hat and Felt Hood production for Lindenberg Hat Companies: Masyer Milz, Ottmar Reich and Aurel Huber. 

28. Deustche / German Mark and Economic Miracles

The introduction of the Deustche / German Mark in the three western occupation zones of Germany took place with the currency reform on 20 June 1948. Four days later, on 24 June 1948, there was also in the Soviet occupation zone to a monetary reform, together with the The separate economic reforms of West Berlin, the so-called "Berlin Blokade" 271. The separate reforms promoted the de facto West-East division of Germany, which led to the founding of two German states in 1949. The Federal Republic of Germany and the Germans emerged Democratic Republic (GDR).

In the newly created Federal Republic of Germany, the time of the so-called "economic miracle", personified by the Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard, began, and the West-Allgäu hat industry also participated strongly in the 1950s and 1960s and predefined their ability to export until the end of 1969 Lindenberg was now able to develop into a center of the German hat industry with stronger felt hat production, partly because the competition in the other part of Germany did not have a good start in the post-war period. Guben on the Lusatian Neisse (a river) in Brandenburg was probably the most important German production center of the felt hat industry before the war. After the war, Guben, now divided into a German and a Polish section, remained only the limited market of the GDR and its friends "Brother countries" of Eastern Europe. With DDR dumping prices starting from the middle of the 1960s the Gubener felt hat industry became in individual market segments a disagreeable competitor of the Westallgauer felt hat industry.

After the currency reform, the complicated management regulations in the French occupation zone were abolished. Already in the second half of 1948, the number of hats manufactured in West Allgaeu more than doubled compared to the same period of the previous year. "With the release of the price, markets were again created on which supply and demand produced a realistic price structure With a fixed exchange rate against the US dollar, companies could again capitalize their investments without worrying about the monetary value.

Investment in Production of Felt

In Lindenberg, from the currency reform of 1948 onwards, investments were made mainly in felt hat production and in a separate production of felt stumps. As early as 1946/1947, the company Mayser-Milz & Cie. with their outsourced machines from Ulm to build a hair felts stump production in Lindenberg. The factory in Ulm had been bombed out in 1945. At the company premises in Lindenberg, construction was also undertaken after the currency reform in 1948. In 1948/1949, the 150-meter-long workshop for stump production ("Walkerei / Fulling") was built parallel to the railway body. (On November 10, 1971, the last hat-stump by Mayser-Milz was manufactured in the Lindenberg plant, after which the company moved the hat-stump production back to their factory in Ulm.) In 1950, an extension to the hat production on the Bismarckstraße followed and a 5 story new factory building on the Nadenbergstraße in 1958. The construction of 1958 was completed in 1999, just over 40 years later, with a high-level factory building with a high-bay warehouse Raw materials and finished goods extended.This extension was no longer used for the expansion of production, but for the rationalization of the production process.Thus, the production areas of women's and men's hat were combined and brought to the same level as the fabric hat department.

The company Aurel Huber began in 1948/1949 with its own Felt Stumpen/Hood production. After the end of the war, it was cut off from its former source of supply in the former East of Germany (for example, Ratibor in Silesia) and was now planning its own crude factory in Lindenberg. Unlike the company Mayser-Milz, however, had no own production experience in this field. It compensated for this by recruiting Sudeten-German hat specialists, who had been expelled from Czechoslovakia in 1945. These specialists came from the hat city of Neutitschein in the "Kuhländchen" via the English and American occupation zones, and as early as mid-1946 Huber had obtained permission from the district president and the French governor in Lindau to recruit relevant hat specialists outside the French occupation zone A general freedom of movement between the western zones of occupation had not yet been agreed upon: it was in particular Rudolf Holub (1897-1970), a former executive employee of the hat factory Johann Huckel in Neutitschein, who took over the construction work of a hair-felt hat-stump production at Aurel Huber and In addition, other former specialists from Neutitschein brought to Lindenberg. From 1948, Huber commissioned residential buildings on Sedanstrasse, later to be built on the Spielermoos site, for these employees.

End of 1948 / early 1949, the hair felts production of the company Aurel Huber went into operation. This raw material also included its own dyeing plant. Here Johann Beier, also from the company Hückel in Neutitschein, had done the set-up work, later he led the entire raw material of the company. On the company premises modern shedhallenve and a new boiler house for steam generation were built for the raw production. The new chimney was probably for reasons of prestige a bit higher than the previously highest fireplace in Lindenberg at the company Ottmar Reich. Also for the hat production itself the factory was extended by new buildings. Most recently in 1950, the connection building with turrets and 1952 a production building in the interior of the factory area.

The Ottmar Reich company had acquired the hat factory Brüder Böhm in 1938 as a branch plant in Vienna and was able to source their felt stumps there. After the aryanized company was "returned duly" after the end of the war, it no longer had its own hat stump production. From 1949, the Bavarian Wool Felt factories K.G. (BWF) in Offingen / Danube became one of the main suppliers. This company had many years of experience in the felt cloth production and began in 1949 with the production of Hat Stumps, possibly already in development cooperation with the company Reich. The hat factory Ottmar Reich had thus set a substantial part on the production of Wool Felt Hats. It was said that the Mayser Fur Felt Men's Hat was the "Mercedes Class", the Reich Wool Felt Hat the (cheaper) "Opel Class". What this does not mean is the "Opel Class" could not make good money at that time.

Ottmar Reich's Fur and Velour Hat Stumps were manufactured by Miesbach Obb company Kohlndorfer. Ottmar Reich then renamed it as an independent Hat Stump manufacturing plant. Hat Stumps were also purchased from foreign manufacturers, in addition to the Ebreichsdorfer Felt Hat Factory / S.J Fraenkel AG in Austria, from large manufacturers in Monza (Italy). In addition, new factory buildings were built on the factory site of the hat factory Ottmar Reich. A large extension, added 1961-1963 to the today monument-protected "Manz" industrial building, reached along the sunny road until almost the Glasbühlstraße.

From "Chapeau, Das Westalgäu behütet die Welt, Die Geschichte der Hutprodukrion in Lindenberg und Umgebung, 2015"

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The Artist's Painting Lay In Austrian Antiquity For Years. Now He Has A Museum








2 October 2015 20:05


"In the Austrian antique shop they have a painting from which you are a factory man from your city." A recent report of a compatriot living in the southern neighbors caused an uproar in the Novojičín Museum. And she also made an effort to return a valuable piece back to New Jičín."


As soon as it turned out, four years ago, an unknown portrait of August Hückel (1838-1917), the most successful member of the dynasty of the hat factories of the renowned firm, the predecessor of Tonaku Nový Jičín, was left unnoticed.


"August Hückel was a successful entrepreneur, a patron, he was also active in the town hall, and in 1910 he became an honorary citizen of Nový Jičín," said Radek Polách** from the Novojičín Museum."


The painting was painted by the relatively unknown painter Janowitsch in 1914. At that time, Hückel was 76 years old and died three years later.


"Thanks to the picture, we can see part of the period interior of one of the Hückel villas," he remarked to and revealed that the museum had bought the work for several tens of thousands of crowns.


When the picture was taken over by the restorer Václav Chovanec, he found a ten-year period behind the frame. The museum has also discovered how the painting was in the antiques. The Hückel descendants have left some of the objects to the new owner of their home. And he sold some things.


"We know about other paintings, furniture and period equipment from the Hückel estate. We would like to return to New Jičín as much as possible, "he said.


** I met Radek Polách back in 2011 when I visited the Novojičín Museum. He is the man standing to right of the August Hückel portriat. Radek setup a rare tour of Tonak / JHS factory for me and has also supplied me with very valuable information over the years which I have made available here on my website.



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