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Anton Peschel Neutitschein - Dinkelsbühl


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Third hat factory in Nový Jičín (Czechoslovakia). Founded in 1850 and nationalized under TONAK after WWII. Had a location in Dinkelsbühl, Germany that stopped production in 1971.


Here is some information from Mario regarding Peschel Dinkelsbühl.


"Well, now. I just phoned up the Dinkelsbühl number I found - only to learn that there is no longer a shop by the name of Peschel... But - lo and behold! - I happend to talk with Anton Ernst Peschel's widow, and she told me that the production site in Dinkelsbühl closed it's doors in 1971. Her husband died seven years later, in 1978.


Günther Peschel from Novy Jicin/Neutitschein was on of their relatives, but I failed to ask for details here. She told me that, after the sixties and the general demise of the hat industry, it just didn't make sense anymore to produce hats at such a large scale, and they thus decided to end their business.


I told her that I just bought an old Peschel hat and that I was keen to find some information about the company, even more so because it's so hard to find any information at all. She said that it makes her very happy to learn that there are still people out there who love to wear Peschel hats. She seemed so very proud of the lids they made - and so pretty sad that they had to abandon the business.


Well, that's not really a whole lot of information, I know, but for my part, I feel a little bit moved, really...


BTW: I stumbled over one more interesting info on A. E. Peschel: It seems that, starting in 1923, he put in a stint in the USA. Don't know how long he stayed, but there is a passenger record I found in the Ellis Island Foundation archives:"



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Anton Peschel Tyrol (Dinkelsbühl, Germany ) velour, size 7 3/8. I am thinking mid - late 50s and made for the US market. I don't believe that it was ever worn and the brown velour finish (very difficult to photograph) is some of the finest I have encountered post WWII. Also a Borsalino like corrugated vent and hanging cord (similar to Hückel). Over quality is super!



















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I picked up this beautiful very rare pre 1940s Anton Peschel Velour from M_Jones of the FL, size 58cm. This is the one that was hacked up but the felt survived. He had it nicely restored by Optimo. The slick - shiny velour finish is very similar to pre 40s Hückel velours. The Peschel liner label still lists Neutitschein but made in CzechoSolvakia so post WWI.


I found some info on "The Star Clo. Co. Macon, GA". The company was owned by David Wachtel Sr. who immigrated from Austria / Bohemia in 1867. His son David Wachtel Jr. born in Macon 1895 was also involved in the business and took over sometime after his father's death in 1920s (not listed in 1930 census). I have no idea how long the business lasted after 1930.


















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This beauty belongs to alanfgag (Alan) on the FL. It appears to be in NOS condition. I am thinking early 1960s maybe late 1950s.


"Anton Peschel arrived today... these pictures taken just out of the box, before steaming the storage marks from the brim. A very beautiful deep brown velour, lighter than it looks and quite formable. How to wear it... how to wear it... "







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  • 2 months later...

A. Peschel, Garmich, size 7 3/8. This one is from Dinkelsbühl and made for the American market. Fantastic Velour finish and overall quality. Probably late 1950s early 1960s and in near new condition. An amazingly well made hat for this time period.



















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  • 7 months later...

This beauty belongs to Fritz (Manfred).


"Peschel Biber ( Beaver ) black Fedora arrived. Age, mid 50's to early 60's.

Very low crown, so I shaped, a teardrop. Very good condition not often worn.

The felt is thick and stiff and holds with a lot of steam, any shape. Brim wide, 5,5 cm.

To shaping this Hat I spend one hour, because, he arrived, in a to low and small package."











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I picked up this old post card that shows the Peschel's Hut-Industrie location in Neustitischein, Austria (now Nový Jičín, Czech Republic). The factory was converted to some other purpose post WWII. When I visited Nový Jičín in April 2011 the factory buildings were being demolished to build a shopping center.





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Anton Peschel Neutitschein (APN) Hat Holder


This is an older type holder without a bottom. It's pre 1940 and could be pre WWI. I only have one pre 1940 Anton Peschel hat but it's not completely original. Any item from the old factory location (Neutitschein, Austria, Novy Jicin, Czecho Slovakia after WWI) is rare.





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I found this article on the demolition of the A. Peschel factory site in Šenov u Nového Jičína (Schönau bei Neutitschein).




The article is from about the same time (04/2011) I visited Nový Jičín. I assume the demolition is now complete. Here are some photos I took.


Villas Peschel






A. Peschel Hat Factory in the process of being demolished.









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(A rough translation of the article)


The History of the Hat Factory Peschel in Schönau


During the renovation of the Schönau village church in 1995 many historical items were discovered including a manuscript entitled "Sketch of the Origin of the Hat Factory of A. Peschel". The development of Neutitscheinhat industry is mostly attributed to three companies: Hückel , Böhm and Peschel. However, strictly speaking A. Peschel belonged to the neighboring independent community of Schönau. Mr. Ferdinand Seidenberger an officer of A. Peschel wrote the manuscript in 1894 upon the 25th Anniversary the company (see above).


In 1869 began the company's founder , Anton Peschel, built a hat factory in Schönau. He came from the town Kamitz at Odniti and was at that time 46 years old. He had no prior experience in hat making and it was unknown why he decided to invest in the industry. In the early years , Peschel employed 20 to 30 hat industry workers. The beginnings of the company were apparently not promising. Mr. Seidenberger reported that Peschel had to rely on outsiders to run the company. In 1885 Anton Peschel died and left his wife with eleven under aged children and a company on the brink of bankruptcy. Mr. Seidenberger described the business as "rotten". The company main customers were oddly in Romania where the company had lost many thousand Florins (apparently a large sum in those times) due to a tariff war. In this almost hopeless situation, the new proprietor , the wife of the late founder, Luise Peschel was tasked with rescuing the company. This energetic and business-minded woman, actually managed to reorganize the operation and was able to build a major customer base in Germany. According to Mr. Seidenberg " the company was established for the second time". She invested in production facilities and the renovation of machinery which further improved the economic well being of the company.


Mr Seidenberger also gives us an insight into the existential situation of the 230 workers at the end of the 19th century : The average wage at that time was 5 to 10 guilders per week with a work schedule of 14 hours a day. All workers were insured against accidents and illness , which probably was not self-evident at the time. As a raw material for production for soft and stiff felt hats and served exclusively hare and rabbit that were taken from the home and abroad . The markets for A. Peschel hats included before the first World War, Austria - Hungary, Germany , Russia, Greece and almost all other countries in Europe. Also just prior to WWI North America, South America and India.


The disintegration of the Habsburg monarchy and the establishment of the successor states severely impacted the hat industry for a a couple years after WWI. 800 workers were employed prior to WWI but after the war only 400 were employed. In 1920 Luise Peschel, who had built the company to great success died. The municipality of Schönau, for which she had done much, made ​​her an honorary citizen. The company would remain family ownened until 1945. Gradually, the company built a world market in the twenties and thirties. It survived the Great Depression of the thirties and at the beginning of the second world war employed, housed and feed nearly a thousand workers. The working week at that time was 48 hours, every day approximately 3000 hats and felt hoods were produced. A. Peschel was world renowned for their Velour finishes. This specialization secured regular customers and a permanent place on the world market. In addition to the production facilities in Schönau the company added subcontractors in Romania and Yugoslavia during the 1930s.


Even before the Communist takeover (1948) in post-war Czechoslovakia, the three companies Hückel, Peschel Boehm and were liquidated. However, the history of the company A. Peschel was not complete. Just two years after the war ended one of the company owners, Anton Peschel under primitive conditions established a hat factory in Dinkelsbühl, Germany. His entrepreneurial courage was rewarded: in 1950 the first Peschel hats came to market. In the fifties, the company had 200 workers and employees, including 30 skilled workers from the old country. Unfortunately, this company did not meet with lasting success. The old advertising slogan prewar "No Man Without A Hat" no longer applied and fashion had changed over time. Exactly 100 years after its creation Peschel hat company came to a end in 1969.


Günther Schalich


This article appeared in the May / June 2001 edition of "Geschichte und Kultur" (a periodical dedicated to the displaced people of Neutitschein / Novy Jicin Czechoslovakia, before WWI Austria).

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Villa Peschel (1922)



Villa Peschel, Interior, about 1922


Oil painting of the main hallway in the house of hat manufacturers Peschel, about 1922. It was painted by Mr. Egon Jünger* at the request of the above-mentioned Hat manufacturers Peschel. The painting was originally displayed in the Villa.


*Egon Jünger 1888, + 1972, Shortly after WWI Professor at Real Gymnasium in Neusitschein (where he lived until 1926). His parents were both from Neutitschein, his mother (Reb. Emma Berger married to Franz Josef Jünger). Source photograph obtained from the daughter of the painter Dr. Elfi Frasl / Vienna.


"Geschichte und Kultur" (a periodical dedicated to the displaced people of Neutitschein / Novy Jicin Czechoslovakia, before WWI Austria).

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  • 3 months later...

Anton Peschel Neutitschein "Florida", size 57cm, black, probably late 30s, excellent condition. Very rare find by Alan on the FL. Never seen an old one from this time period. It's a real beauty!

"A fine quality velour felt hat, likely pre-WWII. The felt is very soft but fully moldable. Blocking is very straight with 5 3/4" open crown and 2 1/2" brim. 2" ribbon. Very beautiful sweatband is 2 1/4" wide. Liner is utilitarian cotton or linen suggesting that silk might have been unavailable from Europe at the time? $15 retail."











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  • 9 months later...

Anton Peschel, Hat Liner Print Plates, probably from the Nový Jičín (Neutitschein) factory.


I purchased a collection of old (probably 1930s and older) hat liner print plates (82 pieces) from the Czech Republic. They were found near Štramberk which is a short distance from Nový Jičín (Neutitschein) where Johann Hückel´s Söhne, Anton Peschel and Brüder Böhm were located.




I believe the following two print plates are Anton Peschel but not certain.





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  • 11 months later...

I was doing some online searching and discovered there was explosion at one the A. Peschel Villas in Šenov near Nový Jičín, Czech Republic back in 2015. Turns out it was insurance fraud gone wrong. Two bodies were found in the debris.


"The explosion of the villa, inside the corpse."




I took photos of the two A.Peschel Villas when I visited back in April 2011. The A. Peschel factory buildings were being demolished at that time to make room for a retail mall.


This is the villa where the explosion took place (in the basement).




This is the second villa which is next door.






You can see there were major alterations made from their heyday.




Behind the forgotten glory of Peschel's hat factory and Peschel's villas

g Under this name, the Language and Education Center has prepared

on Tyrsova Street in Nový Jičín visit places that are not

so famous as Hückel's villa and Hückel's hat factory,

but they are very interesting. The building plots that Anton

Peschel and his companion Jan Popp bought at

the territory of Schönau(today Šenov), were originally the property of the Gothic estate.

And Anton Peschel, the owner of the mill, decided in

1869 to build a hat factory. From the old chronicle of Schönau - Neutitshein (today Šenov u Nového Jičína)

and other documents show that after initial difficulties with

the factory it began to grow and its products got

popularity both at home and abroad. Only when we stood in the courtyard

today's demolition building, we realized it

scope and entrepreneurship with which the family expanded the factory;

bought the liquor of Simon Adler and rebuilt it to the butcher

and a pub with renowned cuisine, the garden restaurant was also known,

built a hairdresser, dye, sawmill, used Grasmanka's water, which was so pure that it was possible to bathe in it. Already in 1913 they asked for permission to build a train siding, purchased

and let the old house colony over

Grasmanka, who previously served mainly cattle,

and built apartments for employees. They lived in them even after

World War II. In the courtyard you can see the remaining factory buildings,

waiting for demolition, but also clerical flats or wooden ones

porches of residential buildings. Production stopped here on 1 February 1949

and the object was taken over by the Ministry of National Defense, today it belongs



And what about Peschel's villas? Both of the main representative Peschel villas

there are more than a hundred ladies and their appearance several times

changed, as illustrated by period drawings and photographs. Are placed

in the gardens at the main road to Schönau - Neutitshein, so everyone is here

can also be seen from the outside. And at the older one with a beautiful loggia, which

is referred to as Anton Peschel Villa (jr.), we have nothing else

it was not private - it was private property and we were not invited.

We at least gathered at the gate as we remembered beautiful spaces

from the time when the school canteen and school were here,

while the gate was silently letting go of the cars and the basement

white dressed figures.


But the second villa, called Karel Peschel's villa, today

The municipal office in Šenov near Nový Jičín (Schönau - Neutitshein) was a delicacy.

We were expected and it was what to watch. Entrance door, marble

staircase, hall lined with wood, fireplace from 1921, wooden

stairs with beautiful handrails, wardrobes built in

wall, beautiful wood clad meeting room, former

a winter garden and many other today's official rooms,

in which the original furniture, doors,

floors, all well maintained, and upholstered benches in the hall,

which encouraged us to sit down and listen to something about a woman,

which initially stood in the background, but eventually became a soul and momentum

the lever of the entire factory and even Honorable Citizen Schönau - Neutitshein.

It was Luisa Peschel, who was born in Doubravice in 1845

above Svitavy and as Aloisia Kolloros came with her parents

in 1864 to New Jičín, where her father Mathias worked

in the city brewery. Already in the following year she married

Anton Peschel (born 1824). Although it is initially related to her

He did not talk much about starting the factory, she certainly was

she was well acquainted with her operations and helped her husband.

In 1885, her husband Anton died and Luisa Peschlová remained

at her 40s alone, with 11 still unpaid

children (four sons and seven daughters) and became the only one

the factory owner. She was good mother and good

a businesswoman, she understood the factory, she could act

with customers. Son of Anton and later Charles

and she sent Joseph to the world at an experienced, at a factory

the daughters and son Rudolph worked as an engineer

on the Austrian runway, he also helped his technical ones

knowledge. In 1912, Mrs Luisa gave up her leadership

factory and died in 1920. The obituary in the magazine

Kravařsko and in the chronicle of Schönau - Neutitshein is referred to as a woman who had a good heart and a generous hand, where there was an emergency, contributed to both the school and the church. She was buried in the family tomb in Schönau - Neutitshein.


We went to another villa over Grasmanka, where we went to the hill

above the track stands the villa from 1925. It belonged to Anton Ernst Peschel

(1899), the founder of the company's founder, and in the shield he has a naked man

and a frog. This modern villa has unfortunately gone through both external and internal

modifications, and another building was added to it

- a hypermodern cube, so Siamese twins were born.

There was a training center, red corner, jesloškolka, apprentice

center. Nowadays, the extension is quite due to the municipal office

nicely adapted for pensioners and the original building is private

property. This time we were expected by the owner

and at least part of the villa we could see, look

to the plans of the original building, to get an idea of the time

modern living - large rooms, winter garden, spiral

staircases, built-in wardrobes with hidden doors, but also a terrace,

bower, garden with stone walls. Everywhere is visible

the owner's desire to preserve as much as possible the beauty of this villa.

It was getting darker when we said goodbye to the landlord and went through

On Vyhlídce housing estate - there was another villa. She wanted her here

to build sister Anthony Ernst dr. Johanna Steinbach

his husband Fritz, the factory manager. But it started

World War II and the plans remained only a stone garden

wall on Anenské street.

And in Anenské we are standing in front of the illuminated other villa, which

originally belonged to factory Weiss. It was romantic

the chateaux of the Loire with its towers, a decorated shield, chimneys,

windows and terraces decorated with grilles, a beautiful entrance gate

and the arbor. Peschel's family owned it until 1945, then

here were flats and finally underwent a rebuilding that completely changed

its appearance and adapted it to the needs of kindergarten.

Beautiful large rooms filled with toys, tables and beds

no longer resemble luxurious living, they breathe

love for children. Thanks to the lady schoolgirl we could go through

also interesting vaulted cellars and on the evening terrace to chat,

what it was like when Peschel came here for a war with a carriage

drawn horses, as remembers from nearby.

Where was the time? Peschels were Germans, their factory

worked for the German army. Already in April 1945 they moved away

mostly to Germany, their property was nationalized.


In 1950, he founded the founder of the factory, Anton Ernst

Peschel in Bavaria in the city of Dinkelsbühl new factory on

hats. From England he brought the necessary machines, among the displaced,

who, after leaving Czechoslovakia, settled in this area, got excellent

co-workers he wanted to continue with in the family

tradition. Hard competition (maybe even Tonak), low demand

and paradoxically the development of automobile "because in the car with a hat

does not bear ", all led to the end of production in 1969. Exactly

One hundred years since its inception, Anton Peschel has disappeared. (Typical Czech propaganda)


Villas of Peschlov family in Šenov, SOkA NJ.

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  • 4 months later...

A. Peschel  "Flexible" probably very late 1960s made specially made for Fur House Rudolf Becker Hats, Siegen i/W - Schirme. This is a brim up hat but less formal than a Homburg. Machine formed but the felt has a very soft hand and the overall workmanship is of high quality. This is a later hat but I was attracted to its great / classic form.















Natural Light





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Anton Peschel Neutitschein, 56cm, probably around 1920. This fantastic Austrian Velour belonged to Josh (Joshbru3). The photos Josh originally posted are missing due the the Photobucket policy change. Josh sent these photos to me a while ago but I forgot to post them. The first series of photos are with the damaged original ribbon (the liner was also missing). The second series is with a vintage ribbon / bow that Josh installed. I believe it came from another hat from this time period.






Shown with Snapped Brim but most likely worn Brim Up.






Open Crown












There is no A. Peschel branding on the sweatband so not sure if there was anything on the liner.



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This 1920 AP Velour newspaper ad that mentions $25.00 as the regular retail price + an additional war tax so this hat is from the same time period (was Austria prior to 1918).






This hat was for the American market so an external paper tag with American Size 7 was applied.



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  • 5 months later...

Anton Peschel Neutitschein, 57 cm, 140 grams, possibly later 1920s.  This is the only (and one other here) complete branded APN Stiff or Soft Felt Hat I have so a very rare find. The felt is very similar to JHS Stiff Felts but that makes sense because they were very close neighbors.  I really like the dimensions + form and it actually fits so that is an added bonus. 










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