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Lunzenauer Mützenfabrick Kern


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Rare cap find by Manfred. This is an East German maker (DDR).


"Luzena Cap arrived today. Very nice Cap, never worn. I guess it is old stock.

The Cap has no Label inside and so wie have no answer who made it. I guess it's the Lunzenauer Mützenfabrick Kern. Look the Cap logo and the City Logo both are the same! I steamed the Cap and it has a nice shape now! I think It's a 50s Cap!"


City Logo



Now the Cap Picture!


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Found a new history of Lunzenauer Mützenfabrik.


Google Translation


The development of the hat factory in Lunzenau

by Horst Hahn


In 1918, the brothers founded Bruno Kern (24) and Artur Kern ( 23)

Lunzenau the company Ernst Kern with the aim of production of men's and

Boy hats. In addition, still part of both mother, Mrs. Emma nucleus to the

Founding members.


Gave in honor of the late already in 1917, father and husband

them to the operating its name " Ernst Kern " . Ernst Kern was a furrier and

Capper champion and had a business for fur hats and

Fur clothing at the beginning of Altenburgerstrasse opposite the paper mill.

In the company's newly founded Artur Kern was trained as a furrier and

Capper for the production and Bruno Kern , the profession of a saddler

and upholsterer had learned , in charge of the sale. In the first period

were in the parental home and commercial building Altenburgerstrasse in

individually handmade sewn headwear made ​​. In the

Production helped the Sisters of the founder , Else Kern and meta nucleus with .

Moreover, even a hat seamstress was busy.


Since, as always after recovering from a war , a great need for all

Goods was for the people , the company could expand rapidly and

the owners had to start looking for a suitable property . the

Premises in the Altenburgerstrasse had become too tight . they found

in the Altenburger Strasse 52 a suitable expandable lot. there

There were two houses , including the corner Altenburgerstrasse /

Hofeweg (today Erich -Weinert -Strasse ) . The older inhabitants Lunzenau

are still present there to the small food business and the

Restaurant "Zur Linde" remember. This restaurant there until the middle of the

50s of the last century. Tenant was Willy Zeißler . on the

Land , there was also a former gym and another

Residential buildings.


The owner of the hat factory could acquire the land relatively cheap,

the gym was expanded and expanded and developed it mehrgeschossig

favorable conditions to establish a factory-style hat production.

Through the money expiration during the ruling in Germany until 1923

Inflation has been the purchase price enormously favorable.


By the year 1927, the company was founded by Messrs. Bruno and Artur

Kern out together . Due to inconsistencies difference Bruno Kern of the company. Artur Kern found him by paying his

Business share from and leading the company further as a sole proprietorship .

Emma Kern remained until her death early 50s as Stiller participants in

part of the company . After her death, Meta took over this Kern

Shares .


Bruno Kern bought a plant site in the Altenburgerstrasse 72 there

had a Lunzenau cigar makers built a factory and was in

Result of inflation gone bankrupt . Under the company name Bruno Kern

he founded an own hat factory. This company existed until the

Expropriation in 1972.


The company Ernst Kern developed despite the economic crisis and recession

End of the 20 's of the 20th Century always on. A need for

inexpensive head coverings was uninterrupted during this time. If you look at

old photos , newspapers, or films from this period look we see

that there is hardly a man without a hat . This of course was good for

the manufacturers of these garments . The Ernst Kern had in the

Industry made ​​a name by their good products.


After the seizure of power by the Nazis in 1933 was

a systematic uniformity of the German population operated . There was

a large number of uniformed groups (SA , HJ, NSKK ) and so on. to

any uniform also includes a uniform cap , thereby could the operating

constantly expanding .


In 1935 was on the property at the former Hofeweg an office

and warehouse buildings erected. This building was the

Production buildings connected by a covered walkway , the

Finished products were by a continuously running conveyor belt from the

Production are transported directly to the camp. These and other

Improvements in the production process was the operating cost

produce and thus was always competitive with its



The number of employees increased at peak times up to 200

Workers and employees . The Ernst Kern was at that time one of the

largest employer in the region Lunzenau . Every day were up to 3500 pieces

Hats made ​​. This amount was up to 3,000 retail stores

delivered in the former Reich. As the dispatch predominantly by post

was carried out , the relatively small Lunzenau post office did not able daily

to accept incurred amount of consigned boxed and stored in the receiver

deliver . Therefore a Truck " Opel Blitz " with special design

purchased, up to 2 times to the railway station post office went daily to Chemnitz and the goods anlieferte for immediate dispatch . This ensured that

the clientele at the next or latest in the possession on the next day

of goods ordered came .


With the beginning of the second World War II in 1939 it was only once with the

Upswing over. The production was true to a limited extent

continued , but it had worked mainly for the Wehrmacht

be .


After the war in 1945, the production was slowly

again. As always after a war was an enormous need for all

present, but it lacked all the requirements to meet the demand .

It was not long and the operation had to as part of the

Reparations convert its entire production and only for the

Soviet Army produce . In the years 1945 - early 1948 were great

Amounts of fur hats , combat caps and uniform caps for the Red Army

made . The control officers of the Red Army came to regularly

unannounced inspections in the operation and stayed exactly that

No products to the people were prepared.

Nevertheless, it was but at this time in a modest way for private businesses

worked . But it was a balancing act when the checkers behind

had come , it could be quite fast as sabotage . What

which would then mean for those responsible , knew one of each!


Also, this era was over once again and it ran the production of

Hats for the population needs to back ,


In 1958, the operation had to take a share of the state. it

was the company Ernst Kern company with state participation . Artur Kern

was complementary and the state was a percentage of the profits

involved . With the money from the state was , among other things , the silent partnership

superseded by Meta Kern.


In April 1972, the company was nationalized , or as it was then " in

Public property transferred . " Artur Kern resigned from the company on grounds of age

from . That was the end of Ernst Kern. It was the VEB hat factory

Lunzenau .

The company Bruno Kern was nationalized in April 1972 , it was the

VEB Lunzenau hat factory. With effect from 1 April 1975 was this

Operation connected to the VEB hat factory , which there were in Lunzenau

only one operation , the caps produced .


The merger of the two cap factories were 116

Workers employed . The production further consisted of sewn headwear for men and boys . In the 80s, was also in

large quantities exported to the Soviet Union.

With effect from 1.1.1984 , the operation of the VEB Hutwerke Guben was

attached . The legal independence of VEB hat factory Lunzenau

was completed. There were only a work Lunzenau at VEB

Hutwerke Guben . Was Lunzenau was only a production facility , conducted

everything from Guben from .


After the fall of the production facility from the parent plant was before the

Provided alternative , either the production facility is closed or

establishes an independent GmbH. At that time, everyone had

the hope that the operation of a limited liability company by a founding

Chance of survival has . It took two employees at 02.10.1990 to Cottbus

and signed the shareholders' agreement . This was the Lunzenau

Hat Factory GmbH , a 100% subsidiary of THA emerged .

This operation lasted until 31.12.1992 .


The stated aim the THA was but that in its care

To privatize enterprises . Therefore searched for an investor , the

Mützenfabrik continues . It competed Messrs. John Hermann and

Gert Hermann . With effect from 01.01.1993 sold

Trust the business to the new owner. It was the company

CAP Lunzenau hats GmbH with the O.A. Men as CEO

founded .


On 21.09.1995 , the works presented on behalf of the entire workforce

the District Court of Chemnitz the application for bankruptcy of the CAP

Lunzenau hats GmbH. Due to the lack of application were

Wage and salary payments since 1 June 1995. The production was on

08.09.1995 set by strike and not resumed .

On 29.09.1995 Chemnitz District Court decides to initiate the

Bankruptcy proceedings .

On 1 Nov. 1995 the opening decision is to the overall execution of the

CAP Lunzenau hats GmbH caught. Is due to the bankruptcy

Insolvency and indebtedness of the company.


So after 77 years, the production of caps in Lunzenau a sad



Lunzenau , February 2009

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