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Hess Hutfabrik Recklinghausen


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Hess Homburger Hat




Hess hat factory


Berlin - Gubener Hutfabrik AG


Formerly A. Cohn

Guben - Kassel - Recklinghausen

The hat factory was established on 16 Founded in April 1888. The foundation was based on the assumption of the Apelius Cohn and Herman Levin, 1859 in Berlin and 1876 in Guben under the name A. Cohn founded Hutfabrikationsgeschäfte. Were produced men's and ladies' hats made of wool and fur felt and straw and plastic netting.

By 1920 Hermann Levin directs the company. After his death, Dr. Alexander Levin, the position of Director General. 1922, the company employed about 3,000 workers and employees at the main plant Guben and smaller side businesses and grew the largest Hutproduzenten Germany. Dr. Alexander Levin was a Jew. He had left Germany, leaving behind the hat factory in 1938.

To 29 May 1934 was the company name Gubener Berlin AG hat factory, in front of A. Cohn. There after, the coated "formerly A. Cohn" in the company name and it was now Gubener Berlin AG hat factory. During the second World War II was converted into the hat factory production largely on "war-important" material. Effects of war ruined the once prosperous hat industry in Guben. This industry was never again to reach former heydays.

1949, the company was shifted from the communist planned economy to Kassel area. In 1959, the company then moved around to Recklinghausen. Status of production and the hat factory Hess Ltd. The building had stood at the Herne Road 57 adjacent to the railway line just before the bridge slaughterhouse. In 1965, the company hat factory in Recklinghausen GmbH (former hat factory Hess) renamed. The company has gone out in the meantime.

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